Exercises Related to Negative Concord # one can write arbitrary comments in this file after hashes multiple letter identifiers constants of type e : a-d ag bj variables of type e: x-z variables of type et: P Q X Y variables of type > : R constants of type : man mortal snores smokes lazy female variables of type t: p use rule function application use rule non-branching nodes multiple letter identifiers define smiled : Lx.smiled(x) define likes : LyLx.likes(x,y) define everybody : LP. Ax. P(x) define nobody : LP. ~Ex. P(x) define somebody : LP. Ex. P(x) define not : LPLx.~P(x) define sentential-not : Lp.~p define polish-not : LP.P define every : LQLP. Ax. [P(x) -> Q(x)] define Agneta : ag define Bjoern : bj define is : LP . P define likes-somebody : Lx . Ey . likes(x,y) define likes-anybody : Lx . Ey . likes(x,y) define likes-nobody : Lx . ~Ey . likes(x,y) exercise tree title Function Application I points per exercise 2 directions instructions Give fully beta-reduced translations at each node of the tree. [.S [.DP Agneta ] [.VP [.V smiled ] ] ] instructions Give fully beta-reduced translations at each node of the tree. [.S [.DP Bjoern ] [.VP [.V likes ] [.DP Agneta ] ] ] instructions Give fully beta-reduced translations at each node of the tree. [.S [.DP Agneta ] [.VP [.V is ] [.AP [.A Swedish ] ] ] ] instructions Give fully beta-reduced translations at each node of the tree. [.S [.DP Agneta ] [.VP [.V is ] [.NegP [.Neg not ] [.AP [.A Swedish ] ] ] ] ] instructions Give fully beta-reduced translations at each node of the tree. [.S [.DP [.D everybody ] ] [.VP [.V smiled ] ] ] instructions Give fully beta-reduced translations at each node of the tree. [.S [.DP [.D somebody ] ] [.VP [.V smiled ] ] ] instructions Give fully beta-reduced translations at each node of the tree. [.S [.DP [.D nobody ] ] [.VP [.V smiled ] ] ] instructions Give fully beta-reduced translations at each node of the tree. [.S [.DP [.D nobody ] ] [.VP not [.VP [.V smiled ] ] ] ] instructions Give fully beta-reduced translations at each node of the tree. [.S [.DP [.D Bjoern ] ] [.VP [.V likes ] [.DP nobody ] ] ] instructions Give fully beta-reduced translations at each node of the tree. [.S [.DP [.D Bjoern ] ] [.VP [.V likes-nobody ] ] ] instructions Give fully beta-reduced translations at each node of the tree. [.S [.DP [.D Bjoern ] ] [.VP [.V likes-somebody ] ] ] instructions Give fully beta-reduced translations at each node of the tree. [.S [.DP [.D Bjoern ] ] [.VP [.V likes-anybody ] ] ] instructions Give fully beta-reduced translations at each node of the tree. [.S [.DP [.D Bjoern ] ] [.VP not [.VP [.V likes-somebody ] ] ] ] instructions Give fully beta-reduced translations at each node of the tree. [.S [.DP [.D somebody ] ] [.VP not [.VP [.V smiled ] ] ] ] instructions Give fully beta-reduced translations at each node of the tree. [.S sentential-not [.S [.DP [.D somebody ] ] [.VP polish-not [.VP [.V smiled ] ] ] ] ]